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Március 15-ei ünnepséggel nyit meg a wallingfordi Hungarian Community Club

 A wallingfordi helyi újság Connecticut-ben számolt be róla , hogy a városban működő magyar szervezet, a  Hungarian Community Club  egy évny...

 A wallingfordi helyi újság Connecticut-ben számolt be róla, hogy a városban működő magyar szervezet, a Hungarian Community Club egy évnyi szünet után ismét megnyit a helyi magyarok számára. Az első  program az 1848-as Magyar Forradalom Emlékünnepélye lesz.

“We’ve had nothing really,” said Csilla Somogyi, a club board member. “We had a food drive around Christmas and instead of our annual festival, there were four different meals that could be picked up. Everything had to be modified but it went well.”

“This is really our home away from home,” said Barbara Kapi, another board member. “We are intensely proud, with many reasons to be. The major focuses of the club has always been family, faith, food and especially education.”

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